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Envío, Lo antes posible (máx. 45 minutos)
Bebidas / Drinks
Soft Drinks
Sodas, agua, té frío, té caliente de menta, salvia, agua de rosas. Sodas, water, iced tea, hot tea of mint, sage, rose water. $3.253.25 USD
Mango de Egipto, cranberry, naranjas, fruit punch hecho en casa.
Egyptian Mango, cranberry, orange home made fruit punch.$3.753.75 USD
Limonada/Lemonade$4.954.95 USD
Tragos de la casa / House Drinks
Ron de mango, Passoa, jugos tropicales mango, parcha y naranja.
Mango rum, Passoa, tropical juices, mango, pasion fruits and orange. $7.957.95 USD
Ron de raspberry, vodka, jugo de cranberry y granada.
Raspberry rum, vodka, cranberry juice and pomegranate.$7.957.95 USD
Vodka de pepinillo, jugo de limón, pepino fresco y “splash” de soda.
Cucumber vodka, lemon juice, fresh cucumber and a splash of soda.$7.957.95 USD
Mezcla especial de ron de coco, crema de coco, licor de melocotón y amaretto.
Special mix of coconut rum, coconut cream peach liqueur and amaretto.$7.957.95 USD
Piña colada$5.005.00 USD
Sangría$6.956.95 USD
Fresas/Strawberries/Melocotón/Peach$6.006.00 USD
Frappe con alcohol$8.008.00 USD
Margarita con sabor Tropical.
The Tropical Flavor in a Margarita Mix.$8.998.99 USD
Cúrcuma con mazana y Limón
1-Ayuda a combatir el cáncer
2-Alivia la artrosis
3- reduce la inflamación de órganos
4- es digestivo y quema grasa
5- protege el celebro$8.958.95 USD
Pepinillo Manzana Y Limón
El Pepinillo
Protegen Su Cerebro
Reduce Su Riesgo de Cáncer
Combate la Inflamación
Propiedades Antioxidantes
Refresca Su Aliento
La Manzana
tiene pectina
fibra que reduce el colesterol,
disminuye derrame Cerebral
El Limón
Estimula tu sistema inmunitario
Ayuda a perder peso
Depura tu cuerpo
Proporciona energía$6.956.95 USD
Limonada con jengibre y menta
Los Beneficios del jengibre más importante
2- Digestivo
3-Antiinflamatorio natural
4-afecciones de garganta
5- ayuda a aumentar el calor corporal
6- acelera el metabolismo
7-Aumenta la libido
8- Previene enfermedades cardiacas$6.956.95 USD
Remolacha, Limón y Manzana
Beneficios de la remolacha
La remolacha tiene muchas vitaminas,
fibra y minerales como
Potasio: esencial para la salud de los
La función muscular y un corazón sano
Magnesio: que es fundamental para los
el hígado, los riñones y el páncreas$7.957.95 USD
Piña, Flor de Jamaica,
La Flor de Jamaica Ayuda al
sistema circulatorio, alta presión
sanguina. Controla la diabetes.
Niveles altos de grasa en la sangre
La Piña contiene bromelina, una
enzima que digiere las proteínas,
pero además tiene diversas
propiedades como 1. Atender los
síntomas de la bronquitis, sinusitis,
2. Antitrombótico 3. antidiarreico 4.
El Cardamomo es un
expectorante natural que nos permite aliviar la tos y luchar contra la bronquitis el asma
y la amigdalitis$6.956.95 USD
$6.956.95 USD
$12.0012.00 USD
$10.0010.00 USD
$10.9510.95 USD
Beers / Wine
Heineken, Medalla, Corona, Stella Artois, Peroni, Coors Light, Modelo, Michelob, Magna, Presidente y cerveza sin alcohol.$10.0010.00 USD
Wine by Glass Variedad de vinos tintos y blancos.
Variety of red and white wines.$7.957.95 USD
Aperitivo / Starter
Garbanzos molidos con crema de ajonjolí, limón y ajo.
Mashed chick peas with tahini sauce, lemon and garlic.$9.959.95 USD
Con tiras de res o pollo salteadas. With sauteed beef strips.$14.2514.25 USD
Berenjena asada y ahumada molida con crema de ajonjolí, limón y ajo. Mashed roasted and smoked eggplant with tahini paste, lemon and garlic.$9.959.95 USD
Frituras de vegetales servidas con salsa de tahini. Spiced vegetable fritters served with tahini paste.$10.9510.95 USD
Yogur árabe hecho en casa con menta seca y aceite de oliva. Homemade Yogurt with dry mint and olive oil. $6.956.95 USD
Carne de res de primera, molida con trigo, cebolla y especias. Servida cruda con pan pita. Lean, finely ground prime beef with cracked wheat, onions and spices. Served raw with pita bread. $10.9510.95 USD
Frituras de trigo rellenas de carne y cebolla, Wheat fritters stuffed with beef and onion.$8.958.95 USD
Berenjenas fritas con salsa de yogur. Fried eggplant with yogurt sauce.$9.959.95 USD
Homos, Baba Ghanough, Tabbouleh, Falafel, Kibeh, Salata Laban.$20.9520.95 USD
Ensaladas & Sopas / Salads & Soups
We use %100 Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Salads & Soups
Ensalada de yogur y pepinillos aderezada con aceite y menta.
Yogurt and cucumber salad, dressed with olive oil and mint.$8.958.95 USD
Ensalada de tomate, pepinillo y perejil fresco, aderezada con aceite de oliva. Tomato, cucumber andfreshly cut parsley dressed with olive oil.$7.957.95 USD
Ensalada bien picada de tomates, perejil fresco, cebollas y trigo, aderezada con aceite de oliva.
Salad with chopped tomatoes, fresh cut parsley, onion and cracked wheat salad dressed with olive oil.$9.959.95 USD
Queso feta con aceitunas negras(kalamatas). Feta cheese and black olives.
$8.958.95 USD
Sopa de Lentejas.
Lentil Soup.$6.956.95 USD
Ensalada de lechuga, tomate, pepinillo, aceitunas, queso feta, aceite de oliva y limón.
Salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, olive oil, feta chesse, olive oil and lemos juice.
Consumir alimentos crudos o parcialmente cocidos puede aumentar el riesgo de contraer enfermedades causadas por alimentos. Consumir bebidas alcohólicas durante el embarazo puede causar daños tanto al feto como a la madre.
Consuming raw or partially cooked food may increase the risk of contracting diseases caused by food. Consuming alcoholic beverages during pregnancy can cause harm to both the fetus and the mother.
Cuentas divididas tendrán un límite de tres por mesa.Divided accounts will have a limit of three per table. $10.9510.95 USD
Especial del Almuerzo / Lunch Special
Especiales de Almuerzo de Lunes a Viernes 11:30-2:30
Lunch Menu
Asada a la parilla. Grilled chicken breast.$16.9516.95 USD
Filetitos de res. Beef strips.$20.9520.95 USD
Carne de res molida con especies árabes. Ground beef with arabic species.$16.9516.95 USD
Filetitos de res guisados con tomate y cebolla. Stewed beef steaks with tomato and onion. $16.9516.95 USD
Patita de cordero asada en el horno con salsa árabe. Lamb leg roasted in the oven with arabic sauce.$16.9516.95 USD
Filete de pescado a la plancha. Grilled fish fillet.$16.9516.95 USD
Hommos, falafel, baba ganough, ensalada árabe y arroz. Hummus, falafel, baba ghanough, arabic salad and rice.$16.9516.95 USD
Hommos, falafel, baba ghanoush, ensalada árabe, pepino con yogurt e apio . Hummus, falafel, baba ghanoush, arabic salad, yogurt salad and celery.$16.9516.95 USD
Platos Principales / Main Dishes
Platos Principales / Main Courses
Brochetas de pechuga de pollo a la parrilla, servidas con arroz pilaf árabe y ensalada.
Grilled skewered chicken breast, served with Arabic rice pilaf and salad. $18.9518.95 USD
Pollo al curry servido con arroz pilaf árabe y ensalada.
Mildly spiced curried chicken served with Arabian rice pilaf and salad.
$22.9522.95 USD
Pechuga de pollo asada con especias árabes y cebollitas, envuelta en tortilla de harina, acompañada con salsa de yogur.
Grilled chicken breast rolled in a flat bread with onions and yogurt sauce. $20.9520.95 USD
Filete de pollo asado a la parrilla con salsa de perejil y almendras, servida con arroz pilaf árabe y ensalada.
Charcoal broiled chicken fillet. Topped with parsley sauce and almonds, served with Arabian rice pilaf and salad.$18.9518.95 USD
Filete de pescado al horno con salsa tártara sevido con arroz pilaf árabe y ensalada.
Baked fish fillet with tartar sauce, served with Arabian rice pilaf and salad.$18.9518.95 USD
Camarones con ajo y limón, servidos con arroz pilaf árabe y ensalada.
Shrimp with garlic and lemon. Served with Arabian rice pilaf and salad. $22.9522.95 USD
Salmón asado a las parilla, servido con arroz pilaf árabe y ensalada.
Grilled samon with arabian rice pilaf and salad.$22.9522.95 USD
Tirillas de filete rebosadas con cebolas y tomates.
Beef fillet strips sauted with onions and tomatoes. $18.9518.95 USD
Carne de res de primera molida con trigo, cebolla y especias, servida cruda con pan pita.
Lean prime beef finely ground with cracked wheat, onions and spices. Served raw with pita bread.$19.9519.95 USD
Frituras de trigo rellenas de carne y cebollas, servido con arroz pilaf árabe y ensalada.
Wheat fritters stuffed with beef and onion, served with Arabian rice pilaf and salad.$13.9513.95 USD
Hojas de parra (uvas) rellenas de arroz y carne de res molida, servidas con ensalada.
Grape leaves stuffed with ground prime beef and rice, served with salad.$16.9516.95 USD
Hojas de repollo rellenas de arroz y carne molida de res servidas con ensalada.
Cabbage leaves stuffed with prime ground beed and rice, served with salad. $16.9516.95 USD
Carne de res molida a la parrilla, sazonada con perejil, cebollas y especias.
Grilled ground beef seasoned with parsley, onions and allspice.
$22.9522.95 USD
Brochetas de filete de res a la parrilla.
Grilled beef brochettes.$33.9533.95 USD
Churrasco a la parrilla con sofrito arabe
Outside Skirt grilled with parsley sauce on top$32.9532.95 USD
Brochetas de cordero marinado a la parrilla. Grilled marinated lamb brochettes. $33.9533.95 USD
Carne de cordero al curry.
Curried lamb.$24.9524.95 USD
Chuletas de cordero asadas a la parrilla. Grilled lamb chops. 3 piezas 3 pieces $29.95 / 5 piezas 5 pieces $39.95$79.9079.90 USD
Patita de cordero asada a fuego lento, con salsa de tomates frescos por encima.
Lamb shakc cooked and broiled to perfection, with tomato sauce on top.$29.9529.95 USD
xótico surtido de Warak Inab, Malfuf, Kibeh, Shish Kabab, Sish Dallach y Kafta Kabab, servido con arroz pilaf árabe y ensalada.
Curriean exotic assortment of Warak Inab, Malfuf, Kibbeh, Shish Kabish Dallach y Kafta bab, served with Arabian rice pilaf and salad. $27.9527.95 USD
Hommos, babaghanogh, falafel, arroz pilaf árabe, ensalada arabe, warak inab sin carne. Hommos, baba ghanogh, falafel, arabian rice pilaf, salad and inab whiout meat. $19.9519.95 USD
Shish Kabab de Res, de Pollo, de Cordero. Shish grilled beef, chicken and lamb kabab. $30.9530.95 USD
Shish Kabab de res, cordero, pollo, kifta y chuletas de cordero.
Shish kabab, beef, lamb, chicken, kifta Kabab and lamb chops. $50.9550.95 USD
Combinación de carnes, filete de res, cordero, pollo y camarones a la parrilla con arroz y ensalada árabe.
Combination of grilled beef, lamb, chicken and shrimp with Arabian rice pilaf and salad. $35.9535.95 USD
Menú de Niños / Kids Menu
Menú de Niños / Kids Menu
Chicken Breast with French Fries.$8.958.95 USD
Chicken kabab with rice.$10.9510.95 USD
Beef kabab with rice.$14.9514.95 USD
Lamb kabab with rice.$18.9518.95 USD
Postres / Desserts
Postres / Desserts
Genuinos postres árabes hechos con los mejores ingredientes como pistacho, nueces, hojaldre, miel, cabello de angel, déatiles entre otros.
Genuine Arabian desserts made with the best ingredients such as pistachio, nuts, puff pastry, honey, angel hair, dates among others. $3.993.99 USD
Basbousa Cake, also known as Namoura or Harissa, is rich and dense with a rustic texture from semolina, and a sticky sweetness from rose or orange blossom-scented sugar syrup.$3.993.99 USD
Baklava takes a lot of time to make. It's sticky and gooey. You will get messy—that's a given. But it is worth it. Baklava is such a dessert of passion. The passion it takes to make it, enjoying the sweet taste with each bite, makes it a dessert that is one of a kind.$3.993.99 USD
Maamoul cookies have always held a special place in my heart. They were a staple in our family during special occasions, and now I’ve learned to recreate them using my mom’s recipe to share with my family. I’ve always been fascinated by the traditional way of using a maamoul cookie mold to shape them, and their intricate designs are so beautiful and unique.$3.993.99 USD
Maamoul cookies have always held a special place in my heart. They were a staple in our family during special occasions, and now I’ve learned to recreate them using my mom’s recipe to share with my family. I’ve always been fascinated by the traditional way of using a maamoul cookie mold to shape them, and their intricate designs are so beautiful and unique.$3.993.99 USD
Baklawa, a mouthwatering dessert of layered golden filo pastry, with crushed pistachio, nuts and a drizzle of sugar syrup. This is the best Lebanese baklava recipe.$3.993.99 USD
is a delicious dessert which like baklava is very popular among Greek, Turkish and Middle Eastern nations. An amazing dessert made with roughly chopped walnuts (and sometimes other nuts), scented with ground clove and cinnamon, wrapped into buttered cripsy bird nest dough and bathed in lemon scented syrup.$3.993.99 USD
is a dessert of festivities and celebrations in every Arabic household. This Turkish dessert is comprised of layers of filo pastry sandwiching chopped nuts flavored with cardamom and drenched in simple syrup$3.993.99 USD
This baklava variety consists of chopped or ground nuts that are placed between two layers of shredded or ground kataifi (knefe) dough. The nut filling typically includes pistachios, cashews, or pine nuts, and the whole pastry is doused in sweet syrup and results in soft and moist baklava.$3.993.99 USD
Lightly baked shredded phyllo dough with chopped pistachios and lightly sweetened.
Ingredients: Pistachio Nuts, Wheat Flour, Sugar, Water, Corn Starch, Lemon Juice, Rose Water$3.993.99 USD
When you try to explain what znoud el sit are to people who don't know - cream filled filo pastry rolls which are then deep fried - they usually gasp in shock or have love eyes and then you add the bit about dousing them in sugar syrup and it's usually too much.$3.993.99 USD
Sari Burma, or Burma Baklava, is a rolled baklava featuring the same beloved flavors and ingredients as its layered cousin. They are relatively easier to assemble than traditional baklava, and are packed with even more cinnamon walnut filling!$3.993.99 USD
Comida del Medio Oriente
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